Every year in Japan, between 5 and 8 million tons of perfectly safe, unexpired food is thrown away. 2 to 3 million tons of this is food is thrown away by individual households. This number includes food that was never even opened. At the same time, there is a great number of people in Japan who are living without stable access to safe, nutritious food on a daily basis.
In honor of World Food Day on October 16th, KAIS will be holding a food drive in collaboration with Second Harvest Japan.  Second Harvest Japan is a nonprofit organization that receives food donations and then distributes them to those in need. All food gathered from World Food Day will be delivered to welfare agencies, orphanages, shelters, people without homes, and many others in need.
Our food drive will run for two weeks, and we encourage all families to participate by donating one of the food items listed below:
  • Rice (particularly white rice) and pasta
  • Cooking oil, soy sauce, miso, sugar and spices
  • Instant and ready-made food products
  • Canned meat, fish, fruits and vegetables
  • Coffee and tea

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