It has recently come to our attention that the use of fake ID’s is becoming an increasing problem within the Tokyo international school community. Students use fake ID’s to enter night clubs, purchase alcohol, and engage in other activities usually reserved for adults. Although such issues are more prominent at larger schools, our close-knit community is not immune. In response, we are having conversations with our students inside and outside of the classroom, informing them of the legal and personal ramifications of such actions. On Monday during College Bound, Tommy and Paxton will specifically address the 11th and 12th grade students as they are the student leaders in our school and at the same time the most vulnerable to such activities. As most of the decision making in this regard takes place outside of school and on the weekends, we need the help of the entire KAIS Community in making sure our students do not participate in such illegal activities. We encourage all parents to openly and productively discuss the use of fake ID’s, underage drinking, and the dangers of bars and clubs with their teenage children. When having these discussions, the following points should be considered:
-The possession of fake ID’s and using them to buy alcohol is illegal in Japan and virtually every other country.
– Roppongi and other club districts are no place for teenagers to hang out.
– The legal consequences for use and possession of fake ID’s are harsh.
Our students’ safety and well-being are of paramount importance. We will briefly address this issue at Open House. If you would like to set up a meeting to discuss this issue in depth, please contact Tommy directly. We greatly appreciate your assistance and understanding in this matter.