On Friday, March 23rd we will head to Nakameguro Park at lunchtime for our annual hanami potluck picnic. Spring is springing early this year, so we expect the sakura to be in full bloom at that point. Each student should bring some food to share with classmates, preferably finger food (food that does not require utensils to eat). In an ideal world, this food would be prepared at home by our band of budding, responsible adults, and should not become a homework assignment for their hardworking, selfless parents. Compromise you say? We love that idea! Perhaps preparing food to share with others can, in-and-of-itself, become a shared experience between parent and child. After all, roughly 75% of the time we spend together with our children happens in the first 18 years of their lives. Might as well manifest as many moments together as they’ll tolerate!