This year, we at KAIS are endeavoring to create an experiential internship program for our students. Members of our community have amazing careers at wonderful companies. We would like to give our students the opportunity to gain internship experience to enhance their education and to aid them in achieving their future goals. To set up this program, we need your help. Would you – if not you, then your spouse, perhaps – be willing to host a KAIS student as a short-to mid-term intern? We are still in the beginning stages of planning but hope to have the program up and running in a few months. The idea is to place motivated and capable students in positions during breaks and summer months. The particulars of each internship will be directed by the company involved in coordination with KAIS, but possible internship capacities include shadowing, research/lab assistant, independent project, clerical, etc. We sincerely hope you will join us in creating this program for our students. Interested? Please complete this participation form.

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