Pose & Paws is running its seventh annual pet food drive for Animal Guard in Niigata. This shelter is home to 114 animals (15 dogs, 74 cats & 25 rabbits, including several dogs rescued from Fukushima). It is a shelter that relies on donations and has received no government support. In the first six years, over 400 boxes of supplies were collected and delivered to Animal Guard, thanks to your incredible generosity, and that food and other goods made a positive impact on the lives of the residents at the shelter. During this season of giving, we ask that you add a couple of cans of pet food, a bag of biscuits or even cat litter to your shopping basket. In addition to food, you can buy pet toys, treats and if you have old blankets for warmth in the cold Niigata winter, they would be also be put to good use. Goods can be dropped off at KAIS until Friday, December 14th. All items collected will then be delivered to our furry friends over the New Year period. For more information, please contact our amazing yoga teacher, Em Bettinger. Send an email to Chihiro for her contact details.
If you could share this informations with your friends, that would be greatly appreciated. All the animals say Thank You
and wish you a Happy Holidays and Prosperous 2019!

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