About a year ago we started this section of our weekly newsletter. In a world that seems to be tugged at the threads every time we turn on the the news, it can be easy to forget that the lives of many around the world continue to improve. To counterbalance the news that tends to grab most of the airwaves, we are happy to keep this tiny corner of the internet focused on progress happening around the world. Here is this week’s good news …

In 1990, 1.26 billion people across the world did not have access to an improved drinking water source. By 2015, this had nearly halved to 666 million. This improvement occurred despite strong population growth over this period. In 1990, 4 billion people had access to an improved water source; by 2015 this had increased to 6.7 billion. This means that over these 25 years the average increase of the number of people with access to improved drinking water was 107 million every year.

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