We have been closely monitoring this rapidly evolving situation, and after much deliberation among administrators across campuses have decided to close school from Monday, March 2nd until Friday, March 27th, and to enact the KAIS Distance Learning Plan (DLP) effective Tuesday, March 3rd. For the month ahead, KAIS will transform from a brick and mortar school into a digital platform for students to continue their learning. We are taking this action to mitigate the risk of the virus entering our community and/or potentially infected community members spreading the virus around Tokyo. We made this clear to our students today, and we want to reiterate a very important sentiment: this is not a break; this is not a vacation; school has not been canceled. Students are expected to check in with their teachers and classes regularly, submitting assignments using Google Documents, participating in classes and workshops using Google Hangouts (where we will frequently take digital role call), keeping up with their given assignments, and corresponding via email until we reopen our doors and hold regular classes again. A basic DLP schedule will be sent later this afternoon and a detailed DLP schedule will be provided Monday afternoon. Students who were not present at school today can come by to get any necessary supplies for their classes on Monday between 10:30am and 3pm.
- Monday, March 2~27 → School closure
- Monday, March 2 → Regular Monday assignments due; students may come in to get any necessary supplies
- Tuesday, March 3 → DLP enacted
- Monday, March 30~April 3 → Spring Break
While we are conscious of the heavy burden being placed upon our families, please understand that we want everyone to be safe here at KAIS. We appreciate your assistance during this challenging time, and promise to do all that we can to support our families and students until the school reopens. Thank you for your continued support at home.